The Convergence Experiment - Block 4

There it sits on the flannel wall, yet another block with lots of little, curved pieces.
Even with the curves, this block can be sewn together just as a regular patchwork block.
Because I like to work in columns and then rows, I identified two columns to start with. The lone column will be sewn on separately.
First fold over the fabrics in the right side of a pair of columns so that the fabric is right sides together.
Take these 6 pairs of patches to your machine and chain sew them together.
Because these were gentle curves, it was not that difficult to keep the ends matched. And as I sewed, I didn’t get the bubbles and tunnels I got when I sewed the longer and more curved pieces.
Using the same technique as with the longer curved pieces, match the edges of the patches, sew somewhat slowly and curve the pieces as they feed into the sewing machine.
Once you have sewn the patches together, carry them back to your flannel board and open the pairs up. You do not need to cut the threads between the patches. And, in fact, keeping the threads attached will help you keep the patches in order.
Next, sew these two sets together so you have rows of 4 patches.
Again, by keeping the threads between the rows attached, you will be able to keep the patches in order.
Fold the final column of patches onto the rows, and sew them together. Once this is done, you should have 3 rows with 5 patches sewn together in each row.
Next, you will sew the rows together. The first step is to fold the top row down onto the middle row, right sides together.
This is a somewhat longer curve, although it is pretty gentle, and doesn’t require too much adjusting. I was able to match the seams and face the seam allowances in opposite directions, just as in any other quilt block.
Once the top seam is sewn, open up the two rows, and then fold up the bottom row onto the middle row, and sew that seam.
This, too, is a gentle curve, and doesn’t require much adjustment. You should also be able to face the seam allowances in opposite directions in this row. Just check to see how they were sewn in the previous row to prevent any possible cross-overs.
Once sewn, open the bottom row, and you’re done.

Happy Quilting!
Penny Halgren
Where Quilters Connect
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